Input of Element Table and closing dimensions has been improved with the new 32 bit Windows version.
You can generate an element table and a listing of the closing dimensions with the newest version of TOL1.
At menu item "Document" you may add drawing informations and modification protocol.
For an extended description of the closing dimensions you may use a second edit box (max. 60 chars.)
The TOL file format of TOL1 is equal to the short printout. Because this code cannot be extended to drawing informations, additional text, document info.., it has been replaced by a new TL1 file format.
Your old files are not lost; you may load and save them at "Import/Export TOL".
But we recommend to change to the new TL1 format, because it contains all drawing informations and additional texts.
A new feature of FED3+ is the animation of a torsion spring between 2 self-defined leg angles.
If a spring makes more than 10 million load cycles, DIN declares that it is endurance strength safe then. In former versions of the spring software the life expectation was calculated even if the result was more than 10 million cycles. This result may be helpful for estimating the safety, but may pretend to the user, that the spring is not endurance safe. Because of this reason the newer version of the spring programs issue the life expectation only if bearable load cycles are less than 10 mio. Thanks to Mr. Schwarz of Vögele, Mannheim, for this suggestion
Fußkreisdurchmesser df mm 113.352 120.000
Fußkreistoleranz A df mm -0.109 0.156
Fußkreistoleranz DIN 5480 Adf zul mm -0.757 0.756
The root circle diameter and its tolerance is calculated from the tolerance zone (same as in ZAR1+). It is calculated from the generating motion, if the toothed shaft is manufactued by hobbing. But DIN 5480 permits an even higher deviation for the root diameter:
Adf=0.2*m+1.73*Aee (Nabe) bzw.
Adf=-(0.2*m+1.73*Asi) (Welle)
The newest version of WN2 now issues both tolerances of the root diameter.
Thanks to Mr. Sigl of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge, Munich, for this hint.
Material Definition
The user interface has been improved at the new 32-bit-version of ZAR1+ by integration of the input windows to complex dialogue boxes.
Another new feature: Animation of tooth contact offers a single step mode now.
Tooth quality
ZAR1+ tool
The help functions have been improved for the NT versions: If you move the mouse to the desired text, you get a description of the sign or value in the input area as well as for the output area, and for the error messages.
In former versions the notepad editor of Windows was used for screen output. Now an internal text viewer is used, with print and clipboard menu functions. The printout is normally much better than with notepad.
If you dont want to miss the notepad, you can configure it as external text processor at "File->Settings->External"
With the new 32-bit versions you can configure any HTML Browser (Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer) at "File->Settings->External". The Internet Browser is executed automatically, if you send the printout to a HTML file. At "Settings->Printout" you may configure HTML as standard output code.
The TR1 software for girder calculation may also be used to calculate bending and tension of leaf springs.