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T R 1

Software for Girder Calculation

(C) Copyright by HEXAGON 1997-2025

Girder Calculation with TR1

For any cross-section, TR1 calculates bending and tension stress, deflection, bending angle and natural frequency of fixed clamped or girders mounted in two to five places.

Quick Input

At Quick Input, you can enter girder dimensions, bedding, material properties, forces, path load and bending moment altogether in one dialogue window. "Calc" button calculates the girder and shows results as selected at "Display" options.


The girder cross-section can be taken from the data base, loaded from a DXF file, or defined by entering coordinates. TR1 calculates surface moment of inertia, axis of gravity and main axis of the profile cross-section.

Profile data base

Data base files are included for girders in accordance with DIN 1024, double-T in accordance with DIN 1025, L-girders in accordance with DIN 1029, double-L girders in accordance with DIN 1027, L-irons in accordance with DIN 1028, U-irons in accordance with DIN 1026 and flat steel in accordance with DIN 1017. Click on the required profile and TR1 generates the geometry and calculates the surface moment of inertia, center of gravity, position of the zero axis and weight of the girder.


Up to 50 individual forces, path loads, bending moments and axial forces can be defined as load along the x axis, for any angle in the yz coordinate system.

Bearing area

TR1 calculates girders with statically determined bearing area with fixed/loose bearings or fixed clamping. In addition, statically undetermined bearing area girders with three, four or five bearing area positions can also be calculated.

Oblique Bending

The deflection with oblique bending occurs perpendicular to the zero line, not on the load plane. TR1 calculates deflection and the stress curve from two overlapping straight deflections for both main axes of the girder cross-section.

Stress distribution in the cross-section

TR1 draws the girder profile with the occuring stress for every point. The contour displacement caused by bending is also sketched.

Material data base

The most important steels are included in the data base delivered with the program. You can access other steels and non-iron metals by accessing the WST1 material data base.


You can obtain important information by veiwing the curves for shearing force, bending moment, bending angle, bending line, bending stress and reference stress. You can print the diagrams out, transfer them to your documentation via DXF files or the Windows clipboard.


The printout contains all the input data, the extreme values for bending moment, bending line, bending stress, shearing stress and reference stress, weight, surface moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia, center of gravity, inherent forces, bending angle of the bearing area positions and material values.

CAD Interface

After you have calculated a girder with TR1, you can export a true-scale drawing of the profile cross-section or a 3D drawing of the girder to your CAD system via DXF or IGES files.

HEXAGON Help System

As required, you can display an explanation and auxiliary picture for each of the input entries. For input errors and when limiting values are exceeded TR1 will automatically display an error message. For each error message you can obtain a more detailed description of the error and a remedy suggestion.

Hard and software requirements

TR1 is available as 32-bit and 64-bit application for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7.

Scope of Delivery

TR1 program with sample data, auxiliary pictures and help text, a detailed user manual (pdf), input forms, license for unlimited time use and update service.

Information and update service

HEXAGON software is continually updated and improved. Customers are regularly informed about updates and new releases.

Download TR1 Demo for Windows (719 kB)

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